The Football Factory (2004)
1h 31min
What else you gonna do on a Saturday?
Themes:Gang CultureThe Human ConditionComing Of AgeIdentity CrisisFriendshipFootball FandomDiscover Similar ThemesMood:GrittyBroodingViolentDarkEnergeticIntrospectiveDiscover Similar Mood
The Football Factory is more than just a study of the English obsession with football violence, it's about men looking for armies to join, wars to fight and places to belong. A forgotten culture of Anglo Saxon males fed up with being told they're not good enough and using their fists as a drug they describe as being more potent than sex and drugs put together.
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Love And FriendshipYouth CultureRite Of PassagePersonal LossPersonal TransformationBetrayalGang WarfareRivalry Between Football FirmsFootball HooliganismLoyaltyStreet Fighting

Directed by: Nick Love, Damian Bromley, Robin Vickers
Produced by: Allan Niblo, James Richardson, Rupert Preston
Composed by: Ivor Guest
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