Once Upon a Time in China II (1992)
Themes:Freedom Vs. ControlGood Vs. EvilSurvivalCorruption Of PowerBetrayalTechnology Vs. HumanityDiscover Similar ThemesMood:IntenseInspiringDramaticTensePatrioticDiscover Similar Mood
Wong Fei-Hung faces the White Lotus Society, a fanatical cult seeking to drive the Europeans out of China through violence, even attacking Chinese who follow Western ways. Wong must also defend Dr. Sun Yat Sen, a revolutionary, from the military.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Cult ActivitiesEspionage MissionsRevolutionary ActivitiesIntercultural ConflictsDefense Of A LeaderBattle Against A Fanatical GroupMartial Arts BattlesPolitical Intrigue

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Tsui Hark, Arthur Wong Ngok-Tai
Written by: Charcoal Tan
Produced by: Tsui Hark, Ng See-Yuen, Raymond Chow
Composed by: Johnny Njo, Richard Yuen
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