To love a stranger is easy. To kill a lover is not.
Themes:EspionageMoral AmbiguitySurvivalBetrayalMan Vs. NatureDiscover Similar ThemesMood:BroodingSuspensefulTenseDarkUnsettlingDiscover Similar Mood
Great Britain, 1944, during World War II. Relentlessly pursued by several MI5 agents, Henry Faber the Needle, a ruthless German spy in possession of vital information about D-Day, takes refuge on Storm Island, an inhospitable, sparsely inhabited island off the coast of northern Scotland.
Explore similar movies and shows to Eye of the Needle (1981) based on the categories below.
PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Pursuit Of A FugitiveUndercover OperationSpy InfiltrationUncertain LoyaltiesMisinformationPsychological ManipulationRace Against TimeD-Day PreparationsHigh-Stakes Cat-And-Mouse Game

Costume and Set

Directed by: Alan Hume, Richard Marquand, Celestia Fox
Produced by: Stephen J. Friedman
Composed by: Miklós Rózsa
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