Saturday Night Fever (1977)
1h 58min
Where do you go when the record is over...
Themes:Love And FriendshipComing Of AgeSelf-DiscoveryOvercoming AdversityPersonal GrowthDiscover Similar ThemesMood:EnergeticIntrospectiveYouthfulNostalgicRelatableDiscover Similar Mood
Tony spends his Saturdays at a disco where his stylish moves raise his popularity among the patrons. But his life outside the disco is not easy and things change when he gets attracted to Stephanie.
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Unrequited LoveSocial Class DifferencesFriendship DynamicsFamily ConflictsGaining MaturityRomantic PursuitsSocial AcceptanceSelf-ReflectionPersonal TransformationDisco DancingLove Triangle

Cultural Impact

Cinematic Style

Directed by: John Badham, Ralf D. Bode, Allan Wertheim
Produced by: Robert Stigwood, Kevin McCormick, Milt Felsen
Composed by: Barry Gibb, Maurice Gibb, Robin Gibb
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