French Fried Vacation (1978)
1h 45min
Themes:Cultural ClashesFriendshipVacation MishapsSummer RomanceDiscover Similar ThemesMood:PlayfulFunRelaxedWhimsicalLight-HeartedDiscover Similar Mood
Holidaymakers arriving in a Club Med camp on the Ivory Coast are determined to forget their everyday problems and emotional disappointments. Games, competitions, outings, bathing and sunburn accompany a continual succession of casual affairs.
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Interpersonal RelationshipsResort AnticsCultural MisunderstandingsPersonal GrowthSummer VacationRomantic Misadventures

Directed by: Patrice Leconte, Jean-François Robin
Written by: Dominique Lavanant, Josiane Balasko, Marie-Anne Chazel
Produced by: Yves Rousset-Rouard
Composed by: Michel Bernholc, Serge Gainsbourg

Thierry Lhermitte
Robert Lespinasse, dit "Popeye", le cavaleur

Christian Clavier
Jérôme Tarayre, le mauvais médecin généraliste

Gérard Jugnot
Bernard Morin, le pauvre type

Josiane Balasko
Nathalie Morin, la femme de Bernard

Michel Blanc
Jean-Claude Dusse, le frustré

Dominique Lavanant
Christiane, la coincée frustrée

Bruno Moynot
Gilbert Selzmann, le représentant en valises

Marie-Anne Chazel
Gisèle André dite "Gigi", légère du bocal

Michel Creton
André Bourseault, dit "bip bip", qui se croit drôle

Luis Rego
Georges Pelletier dit "Bobo", animateur du Club
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