Themes:Good Vs. EvilComing Of AgeSurvivalLoss Of InnocenceBetrayalDiscover Similar ThemesMood:YouthfulBiting-The-Hand HumorScarySuspensefulViolentTenseDarkUnsettlingGoryDiscover Similar Mood
An experimental essay film about terrorism, media, violence and globalisation. Three infotainment news broadcasts - a rollercoaster, a hijacking, and an influencer - are soundtracked by pulsating experimental electronics that push the psychic residue of a post war-on-terror world out of the unconscious and onto the screen. Capitalism, imperialism, desire; all three are implicated in a nihilism that has seeped from the news into the social psyche.
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Horror Movie ReferencesTeen AngstFinal GirlSmall Town SecretsRevenge PlotWhodunit MysteryHigh School SettingUnmasking The KillerSerial Killer PursuitSlasher Film Tropes

Directed by: Luke Neher, Sam Gill
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