Resurrecting the Champ (2007)
1h 52min
Based on a true story, that was based on a lie.
Themes:The Human ConditionMoral AmbiguityComing Of AgeOvercoming PrejudiceRedemptionDiscover Similar ThemesMood:InspirationalDramaticEmotionalTenseThought-ProvokingDiscover Similar Mood
Up-and-coming sports reporter rescues a homeless man ("Champ") only to discover that he is, in fact, a boxing legend believed to have passed away. What begins as an opportunity to resurrect Champ's story and escape the shadow of his father's success becomes a personal journey as the ambitious reporter reexamines his own life and his relationship with his family.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Professional ConsequencesEthical DilemmasMentorshipPersonal TransformationQuest For TruthRedemption ArcFather-Son RelationshipOvercoming Personal DemonsStruggles Of A JournalistBiopic

Directed by: Rod Lurie, Adam Kane
Produced by: Marc Frydman, Rod Lurie, Mike Medavoy
Composed by: Larry Groupé
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