A story of sex, thugs and rock 'n roll.
Themes:Crime Does Not PayBetrayalGreedDiscover Similar ThemesMood:GrittySuspensefulViolentDarkWittyDiscover Similar Mood
When a Russian mobster sets up a real estate scam that generates millions of pounds, various members of London's criminal underworld pursue their share of the fortune. Various shady characters, including Mr One-Two, Stella the accountant, and Johnny Quid, a druggie rock-star, try to claim their slice.
Explore similar movies and shows to RocknRolla (2008) based on the categories below.
PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Real Estate ScamCriminal UnderworldMoney LaunderingRival GangsDrug AddictionDouble-CrossesLoyalty TestedHigh-Stakes Negotiations

Directed by: Guy Ritchie, David Higgs, Andy Nicholson
Written by: Guy Ritchie
Produced by: Guy Ritchie, Joel Silver, Steve Clark-Hall
Composed by: Steve Isles
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