A Most Wanted Man (2014)
2h 1min
When national security is the mission, intelligence is the key.
Themes:Immigration StrugglesMoral AmbiguityCorruption Of PowerSurveillance SocietyTerrorismDiscover Similar ThemesMood:IntriguingGrittyTenseDarkThought-ProvokingDiscover Similar Mood
A Chechen Muslim illegally immigrates to Hamburg and becomes a person of interest for a covert government team tracking the movements of potential terrorists.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Ethical DilemmasUndercover InfiltrationUncertain LoyaltiesSurveillance OperationRace Against TimeQuest For TruthUncovering SecretsPolitical IntrigueGovernment Conspiracy

Directed by: Anton Corbijn, Benoît Delhomme, Jina Jay
Produced by: Simon Cornwell, Gail Egan, Stephen Cornwell
Composed by: Herbert Grönemeyer
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