Who says the virgin always lives 'til the end?
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Serial killer Countess Elizabeth Bathory believed that bathing in virgin blood would keep her young and beautiful forever. Still alive today, she's found a perfect hunting ground for her "botox" as an abstinence educator in conservative America...but will she finally be stopped by a brave young blogger and reporter for the high school paper?
Explore similar movies and shows to Chastity Bites (2013) based on the categories below.
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Serial KillerMoral DilemmasYouthful RebellionUncovering Hidden IdentitiesUnrequited LoveHigh School SettingSocial CommentaryBlack ComedyBloodthirsty Vampire


Directed by: John V. Knowles, Justin Ostensen
Written by: Lotti Pharriss Knowles
Produced by: Vladimir Radovanov, Allison Scagliotti, Lotti Pharriss Knowles
Composed by: James Chapple, David Brian Kelly, Graeme Cornies
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