Themes:Fighting The SystemSocial JusticeOvercoming PrejudicePersonal SacrificeRacial InequalityDiscover Similar ThemesMood:TriumphantInspiringMotivationalEmotionalGrittyDiscover Similar Mood
In a role reversal that is challenging for any young adult, Ali has become a caretaker to her mother’s delicate mental health. Scarred by the past, she chain smokes, refuses to learn to drive, and is terrified of falling in love. Ali spends her days working in a supermarket and the rest of her time off on misadventures with her friend. But when she meets Julio, her tough veneer starts to crack and she may have to amend her strict rules of non-engagement.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Personal StrugglesOvercoming DiscriminationUnderdog StoryInspirational JourneyQuest For EqualityBoxing MatchesTraining Montage

Costume and Set

Directed by: Paco R. Baños
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