You Need a Friend, Strong Man, - And I'm Friendly!
Themes:Corruption Of PowerThe Cost Of AmbitionBetrayalDiscover Similar ThemesMood:GrittyCynicalBroodingTenseDarkDiscover Similar Mood
Nick Garcos comes back from his tour of duty in World War II planning to settle down with his girlfriend, Polly Faber. He learns, however, that his father was recently beaten and burglarized by mob-connected trucker Mike Figlia, and Nick resolves to get even. He partners with prostitute Rica, and together they go after Mike, all the while getting pulled further into the local crime underworld.
Explore similar movies and shows to Thieves' Highway (1949) based on the categories below.
PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
UnderworldProstitutionMob ConnectionsTruckingCrime SyndicateFamily BusinessRevenge Plot

Cinematic Style

Costume and Set

Directed by: Jules Dassin, Lionel Newman, Norbert Brodine
Produced by: Robert Bassler
Composed by: Alfred Newman
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