Mortadelo and Filemon: Mission Implausible (2014)
1h 32min

Themes:Uncontrollable CircumstancesStopping The UnstoppableDiscover Similar ThemesMood:FunWhimsicalLight-HeartedHumorousCarefreeDiscover Similar Mood
A criminal produces an uncontrollable laughter to the population and Mortadelo and Filemón will have to stop him.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Crime-Fighting DuoQuest For The CureBattle Against A Criminal MastermindUncontrollable Laughter

Directed by: Javier Fesser, Javier Abad, Miguel Pablos
Written by: Javier Fesser, Claro García, Cristóbal Ruiz
Produced by: Luis Manso, Francisco Ramos
Composed by: Rafael Arnau