Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains (1982)
1h 27min
She can't fool all the fans all of the time ...
Themes:Coming Of AgeRedemptionLoss Of InnocenceFamily BondsOvercoming Personal DemonsDiscover Similar ThemesMood:PoignantNostalgicSentimentalEmotionalDarkDiscover Similar Mood
Corrine Burns retreats far into plans for her band, The Fabulous Stains, after her mother's death.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Grieving ProcessForming A BandPursuing DreamsFriendshipTeenage RebellionFamily TragedySelf-Discovery JourneyMusical Performances

Directed by: Lou Adler, Bruce Surtees
Written by: Nancy Dowd
Produced by: Lou Lombardo, Joe Roth
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