The Admiral: Roaring Currents (2014)
2h 6min
12 ships against a fleet of 330
Themes:Historical EventCourageLeadershipOvercoming AdversityNational PrideMilitary StrategyDiscover Similar ThemesMood:InspiringHeroicDramaticEmotionalTensePatrioticDiscover Similar Mood
The film mainly follows the famous 1597 Battle of Myeongryang during the Japanese invasion of Korea 1592-1598, where the iconic Joseon admiral Yi Sun-sin managed to destroy a total of 133 Japanese warships with only 13 ships remaining in his command. The battle, which took place in the Myeongryang Strait off the southwest coast of the Korean Peninsula, is considered one of the greatest victories of Yi.
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Unlikely VictoryAgainst All OddsTactical WarfareNaval CombatStrategic BrillianceHistoric Battle

Directed by: Kim Han-min, Kim Tae-sung, Park Yoon-seo
Written by: Kim Han-min, Jeon Cheol-hong
Produced by: Park Jun-ho, Ahn Tae-woon, Kim Yeon-ho
Composed by: Kim Tae-seong
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