Motel Hell (1980)
1h 42min
It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent fritters!
Themes:Good Vs. EvilIsolationBetrayalMan Vs. NatureDiscover Similar ThemesMood:Darkly ComedicBiting-The-Hand HumorGruesomeGoryMacabreDiscover Similar Mood
Farmer Vincent Smith and his sister Ida run a motel attached to a farm where they capture unsuspecting travelers, bury them alive, fatten them up and then harvest their bodies as ingredients for his famous brand of "smoked meats."
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Serial KillersUnsuspecting VictimsCannibalismFamily Business

Cultural Impact

Directed by: Thomas Del Ruth, Kevin Connor
Written by: Robert Jaffe, Steven-Charles Jaffe
Produced by: Robert Jaffe, Steven-Charles Jaffe, Herb Jaffe
Composed by: Lance Rubin
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