How did one woman save 2500 children?
Themes:Moral DilemmasResistanceSaving LivesHumanitarianismCourage In AdversitySacrificeHeroismDiscover Similar ThemesMood:InspiringHopefulEmotionalSomberThought-ProvokingDiscover Similar Mood
Irena Sendler is a Catholic social worker who has sympathized with the Jews since her childhood, when her physician father died of typhus contracted while treating poor Jewish patients. When she initially proposes saving Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto, her idea is met with skepticism by fellow workers, her parish priest, and even her own mother Janina.
Explore similar movies and shows to The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler (2009) based on the categories below.
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Hiding RefugeesWartime StrugglesUnderground NetworkHistorical TragedyMoral ChoicesRescue MissionsEspionagePersonal SacrificeResistance MovementRisking Everything

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Directed by: John Kent Harrison, Jerzy Zieliński
Written by: John Kent Harrison, Larry Spagnola
Produced by: Cameron Johann, Krzysztof Grabowski, Jeff Most
Composed by: Jan A. P. Kaczmarek
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