Personal Shopper (2016)
1h 46min
Themes:GriefThe AfterlifeLoveDiscover Similar ThemesMood:BroodingMysteriousTenseUnsettlingIntrospectiveDiscover Similar Mood
Maureen, mid-20s, is a personal shopper for a media celebrity. The job pays for her stay in Paris, a city she refuses to leave until she makes contact with her twin brother who previously died there. Her life becomes more complicated when a mysterious person contacts her via text message.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Psychological ManipulationUncovering Hidden IdentitiesUnreliable NarratorIdentity ConfusionHaunting LocationsSpiritual Connection

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Olivier Assayas, Yorick Le Saux, Lukáš Viznar
Produced by: Fabian Gasmia, Charles Gillibert, Artemio Benki
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