Funeral in Berlin (1966)
1h 42min
It was going to be a lovely funeral. Harry ‘Ipcress File’ Palmer just hoped it wouldn’t be his …
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Colonel Stok, a Soviet intelligence officer responsible for security at the Berlin Wall, appears to want to defect but the evidence is contradictory. Stok wants the British to handle his defection and asks for one of their agents, Harry Palmer, to smuggle him out of East Germany.
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Undercover OperationEspionage MissionsSecret AgentRedemption ArcDouble AgentsUncovering Hidden IdentitiesRevenge PlotAssassination PlotDeceptionPolitical Intrigue


Directed by: Otto Heller, Guy Hamilton, Michael Stevenson
Produced by: Harry Saltzman, Charles D. Kasher
Composed by: Konrad Elfers
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