This is the face of a MAFIOSO...sometimes smiling, sometimes savage. Here is the story of a man who returns to his native Sicily for a holiday and finds himself again bound to the silent laws of "The Honored Society."
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When a good-natured factory supervisor living in Milan with his Northern wife returns to his native Sicily, a decades' old oath forces him to fulfill a nightmarish obligation.
Explore similar movies and shows to Mafioso (1962) based on the categories below.
PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Ethical ConundrumsMob InvolvementReturn To HometownCultural ConflictUncomfortable SituationsMarital StrugglesLoyalty TestsMoral DilemmasUnforeseen ConsequencesUnfulfillable Obligations

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Alberto Lattuada, Vana Caruso, Aldo D'Angelo
Produced by: Dino De Laurentiis, Tonino Cervi
Composed by: Piero Piccioni
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