Caught between two lines of fire, the Germans gave them two options: surrender or die. They chose a third.
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Fact-based war drama about an American battalion of over 500 men which gets trapped behind enemy lines in the Argonne Forest in October 1918 France during the closing weeks of World War I.
Explore similar movies and shows to The Lost Battalion (2001) based on the categories below.
PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Rescue MissionTrue Story AdaptationBravery Under FireHistorical BattleFrontline ExperiencesWartime HeroismMilitary StrategyLeadership ChallengesSurvival In Hostile Environment

Directed by: Russell Mulcahy, Jonathan Freeman
Written by: James Carabatsos
Produced by: Michael Weisbarth, Romain Schroeder, David Gerber
Composed by: Richard Marvin
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