Themes:SurvivalThe Cost Of AmbitionMan Vs. NatureLove Conquers AllDiscover Similar ThemesMood:AnxiousEmotionalTenseDarkUnsettlingThought-ProvokingDiscover Similar Mood
A Danish officer, Michael, is sent away to the International Security Assistance Force operation in Afghanistan for three months. His first mission there is to find a young radar technician who had been separated from his squad some days earlier. While on the search, his helicopter is shot down and he is taken as a prisoner of war, but is reported dead to the family.
Explore similar movies and shows to Brothers (2004) based on the categories below.
PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Family Coping With LossUncovering TruthWarfront CaptureWrongly Declared DeadSearch And RescueUndercover OperationEspionage MissionsRescue Attempts

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Susanne Bier, Morten Søborg
Produced by: Sisse Graum Jørgensen, Peter Garde, Peter Aalbæk Jensen
Composed by: Johan Söderqvist
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