"Never give a inch" was the motto of the Stampers of Oregon. And live it they did!
Themes:Love Conquers AllBetrayalFamily BondsSacrificeMan Vs. NatureDiscover Similar ThemesMood:DramaticBittersweetHopefulEmotionalTenseDiscover Similar Mood
Hank Stamper and his father, Henry, own and operate the family business by cutting and shipping logs in Oregon. The town is furious when they continue working despite the town going broke and the other loggers go on strike ordering the Stampers to stop, however Hank continues to push his family on cutting more trees. Hank's wife wishes he would stop and hopes that they can spend more time together. When Hank's half brother Leland comes to work for them, more trouble starts.
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Sibling RivalryLabor UnrestMarital StrugglesFamily BusinessForbidden LovePursuit Of HappinessPersonal SacrificeTown Vs. Family

Directed by: Paul Newman, Richard Moore, Michael D. Moore
Produced by: John Foreman, Paul Newman, Frank Caffey
Composed by: Henry Mancini
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