The Believer (2001)
He's a jew. He’s a Neo-Nazi. With one true enemy… Himself!
Themes:Racial PrejudiceSelf-DiscoveryIdentity CrisisIntellectual CuriosityExtremismDiscover Similar ThemesMood:IntenseGrittyProvocativeDarkThought-ProvokingDiscover Similar Mood
A hardcore US racist skinhead who, because of his intelligence, leads a gang dedicated to fighting the enemy: the supposed American-Jewish conspiracy for domination. However, he's hiding a secret: he's Jewish-born, a brilliant scholar whose questioning of the tenets of his faith has left him angry and confused, turning against those who he thinks have a tragic history of their own making.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Inner TurmoilUnconventional EducationIdeological ClashesSelf-Destructive BehaviorBetrayalInterracial FriendshipsComing-Of-AgeQuestioning BeliefsViolent Outbursts

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Henry Bean, Jim Denault, Roger M. Bobb
Produced by: Susan Hoffman, Eric Sandys, Daniel Diamond
Composed by: Joel Diamond
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