Themes:Moral AmbiguityCorruption Of PowerBetrayalDiscover Similar ThemesMood:BleakIntenseGrittySuspensefulDarkDiscover Similar Mood
Gypo Nolan is a former Irish Republican Army man who drowns his sorrows in the bottle. He's desperate to escape his bleak Dublin life and start over in America with his girlfriend. So when British authorities advertise a reward for information about his best friend, current IRA member Frankie, Gypo cooperates. Now Gypo can buy two tickets on a boat bound for the States, but can he escape the overwhelming guilt he feels for betraying his buddy?
Explore similar movies and shows to The Informer (1935) based on the categories below.
PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Undercover OperationCriminal UnderworldViolent CrimeInformant's DilemmaPolice CorruptionRedemption ArcUncovering The TruthFriendship In CrisisInternal Affairs InvestigationCrime Boss

Cinematic Style

Directed by: John Ford, Edward O'Fearna, Edward Donahue
Produced by: Cliff Reid, John Ford
Composed by: Max Steiner
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