2010 (1984)
1h 56min
In the very near future, a small group of Americans and Russians set out on the greatest adventure of them all...to see if there is life beyond the stars.
Themes:Technology Vs. HumanityFate Vs. Free WillThe Human ConditionMoral AmbiguitySurvivalDiscover Similar ThemesMood:BroodingDarkPessimisticBleakDiscover Similar Mood
While planet Earth poises on the brink of nuclear self-destruction, a team of Russian and American scientists aboard the Leonov hurtles to a rendezvous with the still-orbiting Discovery spacecraft and its sole known survivor, the homicidal computer HAL.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Uncovering The TruthRedemptionIsolationAi MalfunctionEthical DilemmasOvercoming PrejudiceSpace ExplorationInterstellar TravelRace Against TimePast Trauma

Directed by: Peter Hyams, Peter Hyams, Alan B. Curtiss
Produced by: Peter Hyams
Composed by: David Shire
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