The Night Eats the World (2018)
1h 34min
Themes:Humanity In CrisisThe Human ConditionSurvivalIsolationLoss Of InnocenceDiscover Similar ThemesMood:BleakScaryDisturbingSomberTenseIsolatedDiscover Similar Mood
After waking up to find himself all alone in an apartment where a massive party was being held the night before, Sam is immediately forced to face a terrifying reality: the living dead have invaded the streets of Paris.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Finding ShelterEscaping ZombiesLone SurvivorEmotional BreakdownPersonal TransformationZombie ApocalypseFacing Personal DemonsApocalypse SurvivalForaging For SuppliesEncountering Other Survivors

Directed by: Bénédicte Dujardin, Benjamin Papin, Dominique Rocher
Produced by: Julie Billy, Carole Scotta, Simon Arnal
Composed by: David Gubitsch
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