Fear is the most dangerous power
Themes:Social InequalityThe Human ConditionMoral AmbiguityCorruption Of PowerDiscover Similar ThemesMood:BleakEmotionalGrittyTenseDarkThought-ProvokingDiscover Similar Mood
In Lincoln City, some inhabitants have extraordinary abilities. Most live below the poverty line, under the close surveillance of a heavily militarized police force. Connor, a construction worker with powers, involves with a criminal gang to help his ailing mother. (Based on the short film “Code 8,” 2016.)
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Underground Criminal ActivitiesPoverty StrugglesUnfair Justice SystemPolice BrutalitySuperpower ExploitationFamily IllnessBetrayalSuperhuman AbilitiesPolice SurveillanceDystopian Society

Character Types

Directed by: Lize van der Bijl, Ace McCallum, Grant Boyle
Produced by: Daniel Sun, Wayne Marc Godfrey, Jeff Chan
Composed by: Ryan Taubert
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