Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (1970)
1h 13min
Themes:Coming Of AgeLoss Of InnocenceFantasy Vs. RealitySexual AwakeningDiscover Similar ThemesMood:SexualMelancholicUnsettlingBizarreSurrealDiscover Similar Mood
Valerie, a Czechoslovakian teenager living with her grandmother, is blossoming into womanhood, but that transformation proves secondary to the effects she experiences when she puts on a pair of magic earrings. Now seeing the world around her in a different light, Valerie must endure her sexual awakening while attempting to discern reality from fantasy as she encounters lecherous priest Gracian, a vampire-like stranger and otherworldly carnival folk.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Sexual AwakeningVampire EncountersCarnival SettingMagical EarringsPriest SeductionFantasy Elements

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Ota Koval, Jaromil Jireš, Eliška Štíbrová
Produced by: Bedřich Kubala, Ladislav Novotný
Composed by: Luboš Fišer
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