I killed my father, I ate human flesh, and I quiver with joy.
Themes:Moral AmbiguityComing Of AgeIsolationIdentity CrisisHuman NatureDiscover Similar ThemesMood:SomberMelancholicDarkThought-ProvokingDiscover Similar Mood
Two dramatic stories. In an undetermined past, a young cannibal (who killed his own father) is condemned to be torn to pieces by some wild beasts. In the second story, Julian, the young son of a post-war German industrialist, is on the way to lie down with his farm's pigs, because he doesn't like human relationships.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Societal JudgmentIncestFather-Son ConflictRebellionCannibalismAnimalistic InstinctsComing Of Age

Directed by: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Sergio Citti, Sergio Elia
Written by: Pier Paolo Pasolini
Produced by: Attilio Fattori, Gian Vittorio Baldi, Paul Claudon
Composed by: Benedetto Ghiglia
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