Every Evil, Every Nightmare, Together in One Film
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This historical and critical look at slasher films, which includes dozens of clips, begins with Halloween, Friday the 13th, and Prom Night. The films' directors, writers, producers, and special effects creators comment on the films' making and success. During the Reagan years, the films get gorier, budgets get smaller, and their appeal wanes. Then, Nightmare on Elm Street revives the genre. Jump to the late 90s, when Scream brings humor and TV stars into the mix.
Explore similar movies and shows to Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film (2006) based on the categories below.
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Genre RevivalCommentary On Social TrendsSuccess And Failure DynamicsCreative AdaptationFilm Industry AnalysisBudget ConstraintsFilmmaking TechniquesGenre Impact On Culture

Cultural Impact

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Directed by: Jeff McQueen, Michael Fimognari, Armando Salas
Written by: J. Albert Bell, Rudy Scalese, Rachel Belofsky
Produced by: Michael Baker, Randy Manis, Rudy Scalese
Composed by: Harry Manfredini
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