Stake Land (2010)
1h 38min
The Most Dangerous Thing Is To Be Alive.
Themes:Moral AmbiguitySurvivalLoss Of InnocenceMan Vs. NatureDiscover Similar ThemesMood:BleakGrittySuspensefulDarkOminousDiscover Similar Mood
Martin was a normal teenage boy before the country collapsed in an empty pit of economic and political disaster. A vampire epidemic has swept across what is left of the nation's abandoned towns and cities, and it's up to Mister, a death dealing, rogue vampire hunter, to get Martin safely north to Canada, the continent's New Eden.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Journey Through Dangerous TerrainCharacter DevelopmentRedemption ArcComing Of AgeApocalypse SurvivalStranded In Harsh EnvironmentExploration Of Moral BoundariesVampire HuntersVampire Attacks

Directed by: Jim Mickle, Ryan Samul, Aaron Crozier
Produced by: Adam Folk, Peter Phok, Badie Ali
Composed by: Jeff Grace
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