The Cave (2019)
Based on the incredible true story that captivated the world.
Themes:Haunting PastSupernatural ForcesPsychological TraumaDiscover Similar ThemesMood:CreepyForebodingDisturbingTenseUnsettlingDiscover Similar Mood
When a youth football team of 12 boys, aged 11-16, and their 25-year-old coach is trapped deep inside a cave in Northern Thailand, thousands of volunteers and soldiers from around the world unite in a race against time to find them.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Unraveling MysteriesSupernatural EntitiesRevenge From BeyondPast Trauma ResurfacingFamily SecretsUncovering Dark SecretsPsychological HorrorHaunted Locations

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Veronica Guarino, Tom Waller, Wade Muller
Written by: Katrina Grose, Don Linder
Produced by: Katrina Grose, Desmond O'Neill, Tom Waller
Composed by: Olivier Lliboutry
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