The Eyes of Tammy Faye (2021)
2h 6min
Sometimes in life, you have to take your lashes.
Themes:Personal JourneyFaith And DoubtThe Human ConditionOvercoming PrejudiceIdentity CrisisDiscover Similar ThemesMood:InspirationalEmotionalSomberDarkThought-ProvokingDiscover Similar Mood
From the 1960's to the 1980's, evangelist Jim Baker and his ambitious wife, Tammy Faye, rose from humble beginnings to to build an empire based on big-time evangelical Christianity--only for the couple to fall from grace because of some all-too-human sins.
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Unconventional Religious FigureBattle For AcceptancePublic Image Vs. Private LifeRedemption Through AdversityLove And SupportUnconventional LifestyleRise To FameAddiction And RecoveryMedia ScrutinyPersonal Struggles

Directed by: Michael Showalter, Mike Gioulakis
Written by: Abe Sylvia
Produced by: Adrian Alperovich, Fenton Bailey, Randy Barbato
Composed by: Theodore Shapiro
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