Juan of the Dead (2011)
1h 36min
He's Havana killer day.
Themes:Class StruggleLove Conquers AllSurvivalIsolationDiscover Similar ThemesMood:SurrealCampyFunnyGoryEnergeticDiscover Similar Mood
While Havana is full of zombies hungry for human flesh, official media reported that the disturbances are caused by dissidents paid by the United States. Panic seizes all until Juan comes to the rescue: he discovers he can kill the undead destroying his brain, and decides to start a small business under the slogan "We kill your loved ones."
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Class InequalitySurvival In A Harsh EnvironmentZombie ApocalypseForbidden LoveSocial Commentary


Directed by: Alejandro Brugués, Carles Gusi, Olga Sánchez
Written by: Alejandro Brugués
Produced by: Alejandro Tovar, Laura Alvea, Gervasio Iglesias
Composed by: Julio de la Rosa
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