V for Vendetta (2006)
People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.
Themes:RevolutionFreedom Vs. ControlResistanceSociety's Role In OppressionGovernment CorruptionPersonal FreedomIdentityDiscover Similar ThemesMood:EmpoweringDarkOminousThought-ProvokingUnnervingDiscover Similar Mood
In a world in which Great Britain has become a fascist state, a masked vigilante known only as “V” conducts guerrilla warfare against the oppressive British government. When V rescues a young woman from the secret police, he finds in her an ally with whom he can continue his fight to free the people of Britain.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Unmasking The OppressorsPropaganda WarGuerrilla WarfareVigilantismRescue OperationMoral DilemmasBetrayalUncovering SecretsPolitical IntriguePower Of Ideas

Cultural Impact

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Adrian Biddle, James McTeigue, Cornelia Ott
Produced by: Lana Wachowski, Ben Waisbren, Lilly Wachowski
Composed by: Dario Marianelli, Benjamin Wallfisch
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