Once in a lifetime, opportunity knocks twice.
Themes:AmbitionPerseveranceRedemptionSecond ChancesOvercoming AdversityRivalryFighting For HonorUnfairnessDiscover Similar ThemesMood:AnxiousHopefulEmotionalGrittyEdgyDiscover Similar Mood
After a blood- soaked jujitsu match in Dubai, fighting legend Mickey Kelley falls to superstar Blaine. But years later, an online video proves that Blaine cheated, and the world demands a rematch. Can the aging underdog get back into shape in time to vanquish his foe, get revenge, and claim his prize?
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Unfair FightUnderdog StoryPublic OpinionFighting For RespectComing Out Of RetirementRevengeTraining MontageProving YourselfSacrificing For Glory

Directed by: Reuben Steinberg, Alex Ranarivelo
Produced by: Paul J. Alessi, John Schouweiler, Kevin Asbell
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