Grave of the Fireflies (2005)
2h 28min
Themes:War's Impact On CiviliansSibling BondMoral AmbiguityComing Of AgeSurvivalLoss Of InnocenceDiscover Similar ThemesMood:Heart-WrenchingBleakHopefulEmotionalMelancholicDiscover Similar Mood
Hisako loses her home in Tokyo to Allied bombing. With her husband fighting somewhere in Asia, she and her two children evacuate to a suburb of Kobe, where they share a house with Hisako's cousin, Kyoko. Kobe is bombed and Kyoko is killed. Hisako is forced to take care of Kyoko's two children in addition to her own, but there is not enough food for everyone.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Family TragedyResource ScarcityLife In Refugee CampsComing-Of-Age StrugglesImpact Of War On ChildrenLife During WartimeMoral DilemmasStranded In Harsh Environment

Directed by: Tōya Satō
Written by: Yumiko Inoue
This title is currently not available on any streaming platform
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