Jerry & Marge Go Large (2022)

It's never too late to risk it all.
Themes:Second ChancesOvercoming AdversitySmart Risk-TakingGood FortuneThe Power Of CommunityUnlikely HeroesDiscover Similar ThemesMood:OptimisticHeartwarmingHumorousInspiringFeel-GoodDiscover Similar Mood
The remarkable true story of how retiree Jerry Selbee discovers a mathematical loophole in the Massachusetts lottery and, with the help of his wife, Marge, wins $27 million dollars and uses the money to revive their small Michigan town.
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Unexpected WealthLucky BreaksPublic AttentionMathematical LoopholeLottery SchemeSmall Town RevivalUnconventional RetirementUnderdog SuccessLegal ComplicationsCommunity Support

Directed by: David Frankel, Aiman A. Humaideh, Susan Iskiwitch
Produced by: Kevin Halloran, Amy Baer, Gil Netter
Composed by: Jake Monaco
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