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When U.S. Rangers and an elite Delta Force team attempt to kidnap two underlings of a Somali warlord, their Black Hawk helicopters are shot down, and the Americans suffer heavy casualties, facing intense fighting from the militia on the ground.
Explore similar movies and shows to Black Hawk Down (2001) based on the categories below.
PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Hostile TerritoryFirefightsTactical DecisionsKidnapping MissionHelicopter CrashHeavy CasualtiesEnemy AmbushUrban WarfareMilitary StrategyRescue Operation

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Cinematic Style

Directed by: Slawomir Idziak, Ridley Scott, Basil Grillo
Produced by: Ridley Scott, Chad Oman, Branko Lustig
Composed by: Hans Zimmer

Josh Hartnett
SSG Matthew Eversmann

Eric Bana
SFC Norm 'Hoot' Gibson

Ewan McGregor
SPC John Grimes

Tom Sizemore
LTC Danny McKnight

William Fichtner
SFC Jeff Sanderson

Sam Shepard
MG William F. Garrison

Jason Isaacs
CPT Mike Steele

Ewen Bremner
SPC Shawn Nelson

Orlando Bloom
PFC Todd Blackburn

Tom Hardy
SPC Lance Twombly
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