They destroyed his life. Now they'll fear his fury.
Themes:The Cost Of RevengeVigilante JusticeMoral AmbiguityJustice Vs. RevengeDiscover Similar ThemesMood:SuspensefulTenseDarkOminousUnsettlingDiscover Similar Mood
Harry is a broken man, struggling to come to terms with the murder of his wife and daughter 5 years previously. When he discovers the whereabouts of the killers he awakens from his grief and, like an avenging angel, resolves to never stop until they are all dead.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Unethical MethodsDark PastDescent Into DarknessMoral DilemmasUnraveling SecretsPersonal Vendetta

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Hadi Hajaig, Rami Bartholdy
Written by: Hadi Hajaig
Produced by: Hadi Hajaig, Frank Adekunle Macaulay, Nasser Hajaig
Composed by: Sarah Lynch
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