Werewolf by Night (2022)
There's no escaping the night.
Themes:SurvivalCorruption Of PowerBetrayalFamily BondsPower StrugglesDiscover Similar ThemesMood:SomberMysteriousSuspensefulDarkMacabreDiscover Similar Mood
On a dark and somber night, a secret cabal of monster hunters emerge from the shadows and gather at the foreboding Bloodstone Temple following the death of their leader. In a strange and macabre memorial to the leader’s life, the attendees are thrust into a mysterious and deadly competition for a powerful relic—a hunt that will ultimately bring them face to face with a dangerous monster.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Monster HuntPower StruggleSecret SocietyDark RitualsSupernatural PowersFamily RivalryHeirloom WeaponAncient CurseHidden Motives

Directed by: Michael Giacchino, Zoë White, Angie Read
Produced by: Louis D'Esposito, Victoria Alonso, Brian Gay
Composed by: Michael Giacchino
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