There's a time for playing it safe and a time for Risky Business.
Themes:Adolescent RebellionPersonal FreedomComing Of AgeLoss Of InnocenceDiscover Similar ThemesMood:PlayfulFunWhimsicalLight-HeartedHumorousDiscover Similar Mood
Meet Joel Goodson, an industrious, college-bound 17-year-old and a responsible, trustworthy son. However, when his parents go away and leave him home alone in the wealthy Chicago suburbs with the Porsche at his disposal he quickly decides he has been good for too long and it is time to enjoy himself. After an unfortunate incident with the Porsche Joel must raise some cash, in a risky way.
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Unsupervised TeenMoney-Making SchemesBusiness VenturesParty PlanningPersonal GrowthLoss Of InnocenceRisky Ventures

Directed by: Bruce Surtees, Paul Brickman, Jerry Grandey
Produced by: Jon Avnet, Steve Tisch, James O'Fallon
Composed by: Johannes Schmölling, Christopher Franke, Edgar Froese
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