The Colosseum . . the battleground of Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris.
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Tang Lung arrives in Rome to help his cousins in the restaurant business. They are being pressured to sell their property to the syndicate, who will stop at nothing to get what they want. When Tang arrives he poses a new threat to the syndicate, and they are unable to defeat him. The syndicate boss hires the best Japanese and European martial artists to fight Tang, but he easily finishes them off.
Explore similar movies and shows to The Way of the Dragon (1972) based on the categories below.
PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Gang IntimidationLand DisputeCultural ClashFamily BusinessMartial Arts BattlesForeign Invaders

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Tadashi Nishimoto, Bruce Lee, Chih Yao-Chang
Produced by: Raymond Chow, Bruce Lee
Composed by: Joseph Koo
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