Combat Missions (2002)

15Episodes in1Season
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GoodWatch Score87
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Combat Missions is a one hour long reality TV show produced by Mark Burnett and hosted by former Survivor castaway, Rudy Boesch, that aired from January to April in 2002 on the USA Network. It pits four teams of highly-experienced military and police operatives against each other in physical challenges and "mission" scenarios. Each team has a call sign and corresponding color. The four teams are Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. The team members were past and present members of SWAT, the United States Army Special Forces, the Navy SEALs, Marine Recon, the CIA Special Operations Group, the Delta Force, and the U.S. Army Rangers. The mission scenarios has each team face off against the opposing "Shadow force" using MILES gear in real-life combat situations. The show was not picked up for a second season. Scott Helvenston, one of the contestants from the Delta team went on to work for Blackwater USA in Iraq after the show and was killed in action on March 31, 2004.


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