Irma Vep (2022)
Life imitates art.
Themes:The Human ConditionRedemptionCorruption Of PowerIdentity CrisisBetrayalDiscover Similar ThemesMood:DisturbingCynicalBroodingDarkThought-ProvokingDiscover Similar Mood
Mira is an American movie star disillusioned by her career and a recent breakup, who comes to France to star as “Irma Vep” in a remake of the French silent film classic, “Les Vampires.” Set against the backdrop of a lurid crime thriller, Mira struggles as the distinctions between herself and the character she plays begin to blur and merge.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Character TransformationBehind-The-Scenes DramaPsychological TraumaMoral AmbiguityEmotional TurmoilUnreliable NarratorSelf-DiscoveryIdentity ConfusionMeta StorytellingLoss Of Self

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Yorick Le Saux, Denis Lenoir, Olivier Assayas
Written by: Olivier Assayas
Produced by: Ravi Nandan, Hallie Sekoff, Stuart Manashil
Composed by: Thurston Moore
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