Military Prosecutor Doberman (2022)
I will be your faithful hound.
Themes:Good Vs. EvilRedemptionFriendshipJustice Vs. RevengeDiscover Similar ThemesMood:InspiringLight-HeartedThought-ProvokingUpliftingWittyDiscover Similar Mood
Do Bae-man became military prosecutor only to make more money and be successful. On the other hand, Cha Woo-in, recently joining Bae-man’s team, became one for her revenge. As these two different purposes shows, the two have very different backgrounds and personalities. However, as they work on the same case, Bae-man and Woo-on help each other and even grow together as fine military prosecutors.
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Growing TrustClass StrugglesUnlikely PartnershipsLegal InvestigationsProfessional GrowthUncovering CorruptionMoral AmbiguityPersonal VendettasWorkplace RivalryPower Dynamics

Directed by: Jin Chang-kyu
Written by: Yoon Hyun-ho
Produced by: Kim Young-kyu
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