Scarier than you remember.
Themes:MysteryThe Human ConditionComing Of AgeSurvivalLoss Of InnocenceMan Vs. NatureDiscover Similar ThemesMood:ScaryDisturbingMysteriousDarkUnsettlingDiscover Similar Mood
A group of five high schoolers embark on a shadowy and twisted journey to investigate the tragic passing three decades earlier of a teen named Harold Biddle – while also unearthing dark secrets from their parents' past.
Explore similar movies and shows to Goosebumps (2023) based on the categories below.
PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Tragic EventsUncovering Dark PastsSolving MysteriesJourney Into The UnknownHigh School FriendsTeenagers Investigating A TragedyShadowy SecretsUncovering The TruthShadowy FiguresConfronting Parental SecretsPast And Present Connections

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Erin O'Malley, David Grossman, Steve Boyum
Written by: Mariko Tamaki, Nicholas Stoller, Rob Letterman
Produced by: Caitlin Friedman, Iole Lucchese, Brett Derdiger
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