No one keeps this impish, delightful genie bottled up
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While on a mission, American astronaut Captain Tony Nelson is forced to make an emergency landing that will forever change his life. On a deserted South Pacific island, Captain Nelson happens upon a bottle containing a beautiful two-thousand-year-old female genie named Jeannie. Rescuing her from the bottle nets Tony the requisite three wishes, and then some, when Jeannie pledges total devotion to her new "master".
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Secret KeepingMaster-Servant RelationshipSocial NormsCultural ClashesComedy Of ErrorsUnrequited LoveFish Out Of WaterRomantic RivalryMisunderstandingsMagical Wishes

Cultural Impact

Directed by: Hal Cooper, Claudio Guzmán, Gene Nelson
Written by: Sidney Sheldon, James S. Henerson, Martin Roth
Produced by: Sidney Sheldon, Sheldon Schrager, Claudio Guzmán
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