Themes:Ghost HuntingUncovering The UnknownDemonic PossessionHaunted LocationsParanormal InvestigationDiscover Similar ThemesMood:HumorousMysteriousSpookyFearfulChillingDiscover Similar Mood
Paranormal investigator Zak Bagans and his crew, Nick Groff and Aaron Goodwin, search for haunted locations both domestically and internationally. During their investigations, Zak and crew acquaint themselves with the general area; interview locals about the hauntings; and go face-to-face with the evil spirits who reportedly haunt these locations.
Explore similar movies and shows to Ghost Adventures (2008) based on the categories below.
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Haunted Location ExplorationParanormal Evidence GatheringGhostly SightingsHistorical HauntingsShocking RevelationsSupernatural InvestigationsPersonal ExperiencesDemonic EncountersUnexplained Phenomena

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Directed by: Joe Townley, Zak Bagans, Nick Groff
Written by: Zak Bagans, Nick Groff, Jeff Belanger
Produced by: Joe Townley, Zak Bagans, Chris Patrick
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